H.H. - Excalibur Experiment OCT: Round 2 (Saria Howard, YouTube, 2022)
Prince Hailstorm - Wings of Fire: The Diamond Trial (Rovrr, YouTube, 2021)
Video Games
Cozen Knox - Heart Fragment Otome: Book Two (HeartFragmentVN, Steam, TBR)
Mojo - Thunder League (Thunder League Studio, Steam, 2022)
Emillion - Same Difference (Lewbow,, 2022)
“50 Facts About Asmodeus” (Fanworks 2, YouTube, 2021)
"Online Video Game Scenework w/ AAA Studio Producer" - ACE Studios (Oct 2023)
"Online Anime Class w/ Griffin Puatu" - ACE Studios (Oct 2023)
"Introduction to Video Game VA" - Sarah Nightingale (June 2023)
"How to Network & Create VO Opportunities w/ Sara Secora" - Cassandra Lee Morris (Apr 2023)
"Voice Acting Weekend Workshop" - Richard Horvitz (Mar 2023)
"NEXT LVL Game Voice Acting Workshop" - Randy Greer (Jan 2023)
"Private Coaching w/ Crispin Freeman" - Voice Acting Mastery (Nov 2022)
"Online Voice Acting Workshop w/ Crispin Freeman" - Voice Acting Mastery (Nov 2022)
"Online Anime Class w/ Griffin Puatu" - ACE Studios (Oct 2022)
"Intro to ADR Voice Dubbing" - Jose Sandoval, Tyler Walker, Megan Shipman, Jill Harris (Aug 2022 - Sept 2022)
"Online VO Class w/ Ashley Nguyen DeWitt" - ACE Studios (July 2022)
"Animation Workout w/ Arianna Ratner" - Real Voice LA (June 2022 - July 2022)
"Video Game Efforts Class w/ Major Game Director" - ACE Studios (Apr 2022)
"Animation Workout w/ Matthew Rudd" - Real Voice LA (Jan 2022)